The name of the Association shall be “Maharashtra Chapter of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. (i.e. Medico legal Association Of Maharashtra)” The Registered Office i.e. the Head quarter of the Association shall be located in dwelling city of General Secretary of the Association.

 To encourage the study, improve the practice, elevate the standards and promote the medico legal work.
 To publish regular medico legal bulletin for the benefit of all doctors and members involved in medico legal work.
 To present at national level and international level the research carried out in the state in the subject of Forensic Medicine.
 To organize and arrange meetings and symposia of the members regularly.
 To serve and administer funds, grants, endowments for the furtherance of research in medico legal work.
 To own and acquire, administer and dispose properties moveable and immoveable of Association.
 To improve co-ordination with law enforcing agency and state government about the problems involved in carrying out medico legal work all over the state at all levels.

All the M.M.H.S officers and G.S.S officers of Maharashtra State and Teachers in all medical colleges involved in medico legal work at all levels are eligible to be the member of the association.

 An Annual General Meeting shall be held at a time and place selected by the Council, constituted as provided in Bye-laws at the annual general meeting for which 1/3rd of the    members shall constitute a quorum .There shall be a scientific programme, election of office bearers and the transaction of such business as may be considered necessary by    the council. General Meeting may also be called at any time at the discretion of the Council through the General Secretary or 2/3rd members giving a notice 14 days before the    appointed day.
 Regular scientific seminars and workshop can be arranged by the association for the benefit of all the members.
 OFFICE BEARERS The executive members of this association shall consist of President-1, Vice president-1, General secretary-1,Joint general secretary-1,Tresasurer-1,    Editor-1, Executive member-7. These officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for two years until their successors shall be elected and    installed.

The rules will remain in violated for a period of three years after adoption. A subsequent amendment can be made if approved by 2/3 majority of full council and ratified by the general body by similar majority. Copies of each proposed amendment are to be circulated (Under certificate of posting) to all voting members at least four weeks in advance of the annual general meeting.

President will preside over all the meetings of the council and would take necessary steps to implement the objectives of the Association ; Vice-president will act on behalf of president in his/her absence and would help the president in all possible ways to discharge the responsibilities.

GENERAL SECRETARY- Will be the chief executive of the council, will be responsible for implementing all decisions of the various committees. If the association is to sue or to be sued, it will be in the name of general secretary. Any emergency decision taken by him with concurrence of the President has to be placed before next executive committee for approval. He has to keep a minute book of all meetings.

JOINT GENERAL SECRETARY will act as secretary in letters absence and would help the General Secretary in all possible ways.

TREASURER: Will be responsible for all financial transaction, income and expenditure details are to be place before all executive meetings. He is personally responsible to get the balance sheet audited by the charted accountant before every annual general meeting and get it approved.

EDITOR: Will be in charge of all publications and periodic bulletins of the association with the help of editorial board.

EXECUTIVE MEMBERS: They would help and execute the resolutions of all committees and general body to the best of their ability.

 The annual subscription shall be Rs 50/- with an admission fees Rs 25/- for all members. A membership can be cancelled due to default in the payment of annual subscription.
 The life membership fees will be as follows:
   If the payment is made before 15th May Rs 400/- After 15th May Rs 500/-.

NOTE(The life membership fees has been revised to Rs. 1000/-)