Volume 32 Issue 1 : January - June 2023

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Article  Number  6


Pattern of Fatal Injuries Sustained by Two-Wheeler Riders Due to Road Traffic Mishap in Agra Region.


Anuj Gupta, Garima Singh, Prachi Gupta, Alok Kumar, Archana Verma


Introduction: Prospective autopsy-based study was conducted on two-wheeler riders who were victim of fatal road traffic accident (RTS), to find pattern of fatal injuries sustained by them & to know their relevant sociodemographic profile. Material & methods: 136 cases fulfilling the criteria are discussed in detail. Results: Majority of them (76.5%) were motorized two-wheeler riders. Male (91.2%) were more involved in fatal mishap. People between 21-30 years were most commonly effected (29.4%). Most victims receive multiple fatal injuries in various regions of body. Specially in head region (80.9%), followed by thorax region (28.7%). Head is most vulnerable region to receive fatal injuries and scalp laceration (66.9%) was commonest external injury on head. In thorax, rib fracture was commonest significant finding (27.2%), internally laceration of lung (18.4%) was commonest finding. In abdominal peritoneal hemorrhage was commonest sign (20.6%) and laceration of Liver was most common fatal injury (18.4%). Conclusion: Head is most vulnerable region to receive fatal injuries. Data can help to amend rules for safe commutation of two-wheeler riders and guide for swift management of injured.


Road traffic, Accident, Two-wheeler accident, Fatal head injuries.

 DOI  10.59988/jfmsl.vol.32issue1.6