Volume 32 Issue 1 : January - June 2023

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Article  Number  18


The Crime of Bribery in Forensic Medicine.


Noor Issa Alhendi, Asem Baniamer, Muammar Hasan Salameh


Introduction: This study deals with the issue of the crime of bribery by the forensic doctor, by clarifying the concept of the crime of bribery. Clarifying its pillars represented in the material and moral pillars, and clarifying the penalties stipulated by the legislator, which are imposed on the forensic doctor when he commits this crime or when its pillars are fulfilled. Medicolegal Aspects: Because of its impact on judicial decisions, justice decisions, the rights of people, and society, the forensic doctor is an employee and an expert, and therefore the provisions of the Jordanian Penal Code relating to this capacity apply to him, including his criminal responsibility for the crime of bribery, if its elements are available. Conclusion: The study concluded that the crime of bribery is one of the most dangerous crimes of corruption, and its severity increases when it is committed by a forensic medical expert such as a forensic doctor.


Forensic Doctor, Justice, Crime of Bribery, Judiciary.

 DOI  10.59988/jfmsl.vol.32issue1.18