Volume 31 Issue 2 : July - December 2022

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Article Number  14


Advances of Medical Termination of Pregnancy Amendment Act In India.


Sachin S Patil, Ravindra B Deokar


Abortion or miscarriage in legal sense refers to expulsion of foetus during any time of pregnancy before completion of full term. The word “Abortion” is consequential from the Latin term aboriri, which denotes "failure to be born." Abortion may be spontaneous, therapeutic or induced termination of pregnancy prior to viability of foetus or capable of having separate existence outside the mother’s womb. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act (MTP Act) 1971, can be considered as revolutionary legislature in eradication of gender discrimination, as it caused reduction in the number of perilous unlawful abortions. The MTP Amendment Act was the law which has brought India to the progressive group of nations that consider women’s rights to have autonomy regarding to pregnancies. Even though there are shortcomings for safeguarding the unrestricted rights of females over their own bodies, this amendment act is surely a step in correct track. Supreme Court’s judgement to include women—regardless of their marital status—under the MTP act, which permits termination of pregnancy up to 24 weeks endorse India’s pledge to provide safe and legal abortion as constitutional right of every female. The apex court’s recent decision proves that abortion laws in India have come a long way and are moving towards an even more progressive direction.


Abortion laws, Amendment, Supreme court judgement, Autonomy.