Volume 31 Issue 1 : January - June 2022

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Article Number 2


Evaluation of Perceptions of Postgraduate Medical Residents About Effectiveness of Workshop on Medical Certificate of Cause of Death.


Sanjay Gupta, Utsav Parekh.


A Medical Certificate of cause of death (MCCD) is an official document furnished by the medical practitioner where sequence of events, the time interval between the onset of the cause of death and death, and personal details of the deceased are primarily recorded. The format of medical certificate of the cause of death recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) is being used worldwide to document the sequence of events leading to death. Medical Certificate of Cause of Death [MCCD] is a vital document to be filled by attending physician following International Classification of Disease [ICD]. There are several studies those have reported major and minor errors by physician while completing the MCCD and recommended need for proper training program. In this study, a workshop was conducted by Forensic Faculty to train postgraduate residents from the stream of medicine. After the workshops, postgraduate resident doctors’ perceptions about different aspects of MCCD were evaluated. The study was also aimed to assess their knowledge and awareness about rules, regulations and format of MCCD. Subsequently, their anonymous responses were collected in a structured proforma and analysed.


Medical Certification of Cause of Death (MCCD), Error, Post-graduate medical residents, Workshop.