Volume 31 Issue 1 : January - June 2022

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Article Number 19


Dyadic Death With Husband As A Perpetrator- A Case Report.


Piyush S Gavale, Naresh P Zanjad


The dyadic death is a fatal event in which one individual kills another and subsequently commits suicide within a short time interval ranging from one hour to one week. These are the most violent acts involving the most intimate partner or family members. Perpetrators are usually male. The causes in India range from domestic quarrels due to strained relationships, broken love affairs, infidelity, addiction, ill physical health, financial crisis, etc. Here we are reporting a case of dyadic death in which the perpetrator was 40 years old male, chronic alcoholic, auto-rickshaw driver. He killed his wife who was 35 years old. Autopsy examination shows injuries over the body as chop, stabs, incised injuries, and contusions. After killing his wife, the perpetrator hanged himself in his home. The detailed history was obtained from police and relatives, and the reason revealed as suspicion of infidelity and regular domestic quarrels. Legally and for police investigation, these are not highprofile cases since they just demand proper investigation and correct recording. It is better to undertake proper social, psychological, and psychiatric investigations to decrease or to stop such incidences. It is necessary to establish a national surveillance system for such episodes to know the exact circumstances of each case.


Dyadic Death, Homicide, Suicide.