Volume 31 Issue 1 : January - June 2022

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Article Number 16


Forensic Odorology Scientifically Validated: Odor as Silent and Unforgettable Evidence.


Ankita Guleria, Gaurav Kumar Singh, Ridamjeet Kaur, Shivam Gujarathi.


Forensic odorology is a set of investigative practices to extract and examine the human odor to find the relation of criminal/suspect to a crime scene. Whenever any crime is committed, the forensic personnel are called for collecting the evidences. There is a latent evidence present at the crime scene i.e. human odor. The use of trained sniffing dogs has been increased for the investigation but still there is a need for the exact and accurate knowledge of human odor composition. Human odor is a complex mixture composed up of many chemical substances and expected to adhere many odor traces in the skin. Human odor detection technologies have gained the attention due to their applications in the areas including biometrics, forensics, criminal investigation etc. Recent developments on human odor identification along with the use of specially trained dogs in searching the evidences have been discussed. The results obtained from various studies had shown that the odor can be considered as significant evidence in the investigation purpose. Along with the scientific justification attempts, this approach may prove a significant tool in the forensic investigation across the worldwide.


Forensic Odorology, Reference Sample, Canine Alarms, Human Odor, VOCs