Volume 31 Issue 1 : January - June 2022

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Article Number 15


Future and Scope of Forensic Neurosciences in Criminal Investigation System Towards Justice.


Parthvi S Ravat, Ravindra B Deokar, Sangeeta H Ravat


All crimes do not have their basis only in neuropsychology, but they may have organic neurological diseases like brain tumours, psychoses, sociopathy, sleep walking, etc. Our brain is a time clocked bomb, because, it is difficult to predict when a crime will be strategized and executed. Neuropsychology proposes that various theories of mind and childhood experiences bear an impact on adult behaviour being civic or criminal. The application of Neurology in crime investigation facilitates the understanding of criminal behaviour. The derived concepts and evidence from neuroscience helps to flesh out specific components of a larger psychological-level etiological model. Forensic neuroscience may play a pivotal role to develop and refine etiological models of crime-related behaviours.


Neuropsychology, Criminal behaviour, Neuroethics, Mind reading Technology, Forensic Neuroscience.