Volume 31 Issue 1 : January - June 2022

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Article Number 14


Cannabis - Dilemma on Law Amendment.


Nitu Sharma, Seema Sutay.


In Indian society cannabis was used before 1000CE as spiritual and religious occasions. There are 483 identifiable chemical constituents known to exist in the cannabis plant, and at least 85 different cannabinoids have been isolated from the plant. Cultivation of cannabis for industrial purposes such as making industrial hemp or for horticultural use is legal in India. Although NDPS allows consumption of bhang, various states have their own laws banning or restricting its use. In some states, only authorized dealers are allowed to sell bhang. Some states also have rules about the maximum amount of bhang one person can carry and the minimum age of the buyer. The British Parliament enacted a tax on bhang, ganja and chars in 1798 and Attempts at criminalizing cannabis in 1838, 1871, and 1877. Though the NDPS Act doesn't mention anything about Smoking paraphernalia, making it completely legal to buy or sell smoking accessories like Rolling Papers, Smoking Pipes, and more. In all evidence based research from meta-analysis have indeed shown that cannabis is associated to violence and therefore measures should be taken to mitigate the risk. But similar current evidence, it is clear that while legalization does not necessarily eliminate illegal production, distribution, sale and adulterations of cannabis it tends to diminish it dramatically. As a result, it relieves the burden placed on courts, law enforcement and prisons, allowing for greater focus on violent crime. Hence, its create “Cannabis – Law Amendment Dilemma”. Our study concluding this dilemma to promote Bio psychosocial research should continue to monitor the association following policy change more thoroughly by examining different type of violent outcomes.


Cannabis, NDPS, Amendment, Drug abuse.