Volume 31 Issue 1 : January - June 2022

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Article Number 1


Workplace-based Issues& Challenges in Formulating The Medical Boards Under The MTP Act 2021.


Ravindra B Deokar, Sachin S Patil.


Abortion was being made legal in India under various circumstances with passing the Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, 1971.1 To facilitate the implementation the rules were also issued under the concerned Act with time to time amendments which enable women for accessing safe and legal abortion services at authorised healthcare centres.

There is need of official notification on formulation of medical board as prescribed in the act. The government needs to ensure that all norms and standardised protocols in clinical practice to facilitate abortions are followed in health care institutions across the country. Along with that, the question of abortion needs to be decided on the basis of human rights, the principles of solid science, and in step with advancements in technology. There is need of appropriate flexibility in norms. 


MTP Act, Workplace issues.